Thursday, January 31, 2008


Last night I took Mr. Adam to go see Jerry Springer the opera in concert at Carnegie Hall. I just want to go on record as saying it was OK. I didn't hate it, but it wasn't wonderful either.
First off, as I stated, this was a concert version of the opera. The main characters were in costume, but there was no set and the orchestra sat on the stage with the actors. That's all well and good. Act I started with an operatic version of the Jerry Springer show, trailor trash & all. Then Act II continues the show with Jerry Springer dying and going to hell in order to host a show with God & Satan sparring. Satan wanted an apology from God. This in a nutshell is the structure of the story. It doesn't really get much deeper than that. But I didn't really expect much more from this extravaganza. Sadly, I must tell you that Mr. Adam slept through ACT II entirely. Did he miss anything? No, not really. Now let's dish:
The cast was hugely talented. I can't even begin to tell you how excited I was that Emily Skinner was in the show. I love her. You will know her as one of the twins in the ill-fated, critically acclaimed "Side Show" on Broadway. Love her. Anyway, the whole cast was really good. Except, and here I go, the chorus. Yes they did a lovely Ku Klux Klan tap number, but I would have prefered they work on their diction so I could understand what they were singing. MOST of the time, their words were lost. Seriously, in an opera, the chorus, as a whole, is one main charecter. Totally lost. Now that's not to say it wasn't chock full of talent, it was. They just weren't in unison vocally. As for the least valuable performer I'm going to have to cast my vote on Laura Shoop who played Baby Jane. She had the worst diction singing on that stage. Seriously, if were the director, Jason Moore, I would have re-cast her. I still can't tell you about her story line. I had no idea what she was singing about.
As for the music, I was impressed by the actual score written for the show as it is literally an opera, NOT musical theater. The arrangements were excellent in most cases. My only beef with the show is the lyrics. In some cases, they were clever and moved the story along. Some genuinely funny jokes. But, on the other hand, some of the humor was base and bathroom. Now anyone who knows me, knows I'm no prude, but the joke of "shitting your calvin kleins" is funny once, no one needs a whole aria reguarding this matter. I couldn't even titter at the joke by the end of the number. It was a tired joke to begin with and didn't get any funnier. Now I know you're thinking, "Ryan Charisma that's British humor" - I know what it is, I've seen Benny Hill.
So was the night fun? Yes, any time I get to spend with Mr. Adam is a good time. Besides, my friends Michael & Larry saw the show too and they're fun. And I had my first blogger spotting, I saw Eric from Confessions of a Southernboy. He doesn't know though, I'm not one to barge in on people especially when their with a group of friends. Hey Eric!
Should you see this show? You can't, it's over already. Buy the CD, at least you'll understand the lyrics.


Wednesday, January 30, 2008


Hey crew! I took Mr. Adam to go see Cloverfield this past Saturday. I enjoyed it. I really did. The reviews I read were tepid at best, so I was hesitant walking in. Blair Witch did make me a little sick with the whole hand held extravaganza that was also used in this movie. But it didn't bother me as much this time. (whew!)
The story obviously is about a monster that attacks NYC.
1) I'm so tired of being attacked. Isn't there at least one city on this earth that needs attacking more than NYC? I mean really, the terrorists target us and now monsters from "who knows where" attack us too. It's been done before.
2) This movie is a modern day twist on Godzilla, nothing more. So if you go in knowing this, perhaps you'll enjoy the show more.
What made this movie more enjoyable was the fact that I (finally) could identify with what's going on in the movie. Instead of some stupid kids doing some stupid thing in the middle of the woods, haunted house, closed down town, etc. The terror found them. The re-creations of NYC were absolutely on target. Great special effects and overall a fun movie if horror is your cup of tea. I say see it, I plan to purchase it on DVD.


Thursday, January 24, 2008

911 or Mary-Kate Olsen (same thing)

First off, I want to say that YES Heath Ledger's death was both shocking and sad. But thanks to our media - I no longer care as I have been bombarded with minimal facts that really, just don't matter. This 'common mourning' which I prefer to call media circus had reported everything including his favorite pair of underwear; but it doesn't ask any questions. I have a question:
So according to the media Mr. Ledger was found unconscious in his apartment that he was renting from Mary-Kate Olsen by his housekeeper or masseuse (I've heard 2 conflicting reports - way to go media!). This masseuse or housekeeper immediately calls Mary-Kate Olsen? Who, then contacts her NYC bodyguards. Then Ms. Olsen's bodyguards send someone to the apt? Then someone calls 911? WHAT? I'm not sure about you people, but my first reaction when dealing with a medical emergency is not to contact my landlord. It's to call 911. Hello? Is everyone in this world stupid? Perhaps I'm wrong, but maybe Mary-Kate is a medical genius and can revive people long distance over the phone? Maybe not? All I can say is, this housekeeper or masseuse called her for a reason, and it wasn't' to help Heath Ledger now, was it? What was she hiding and helping Mary-Kate hide? Why would a dead man need bodyguards? I have questions and I don't work for the police or media. Hell, maybe I missed my calling? Or maybe my Mother didn't raise an idiot? Unlike, most of the people that have been involved in this media circus.
If you ever find me unconscious or dead, call Mary-Kate immediately please!?!

Monday, January 21, 2008

I Have A Dream Too...

First off, I want to say that I had to work today. Yes my children, Momma had to work. Wall Street closes for no one. No dream. No way. Such is my lot in life.
I would like to say, that I hold the highest regard for the work MLK put into the civil rights fight for equality. He was a good man, an honest man and a someone who truly believed in the words that came out of his mouth. Unlike all our politicians who just pander and babel the buzzwords that they think we want to hear. Well, kids Momma is still listening and you know what? No one is saying what I want to hear.
I have a dream too. A dream where I won't be financially ruined by a death in my household. A dream where I don't meet Mr. Adam's family in a funeral parlor or hospital and get told I have 30 days to vacate their house, or rather my home. I have a dream too, that I vote for a President who believes I not only deserve every right his/her family has, but I am entitled to those rights as well - for just being born & American. I do dream, I dare to dream but sadly my dreams sound more like wishful thinking and lost hope. The ONLY solace I have this election is that almost certainly a Republican WON'T win. That much, as far as I'm concerned, is a given. But I shudder to think that my choices are Obama, Hillary or Edwards. If there was a chance in hell that Dennis Kucinich could win, I would support him or even a 3rd party. So let me be clear. I have a dream too, that I could vote for a Presidential candidate that would allow me the exact same rights and privileges as any heterosexually born American. I'm mad, I'm damn mad that Hillary, who I may add, obviously has gays doing her hair, make-up and styling doesn't think we deserve to be married. Neither does Obama, and we all know John, just isn't there yet. Well, I'm upset with you Democrats, you weak, stand up for nothing, panderers to the lowest common denominator. And by that I mean the stupid people. And by stupid people I mean Christian fundamentalists. I have a dream too, that our Government honestly (and I know that's a big order already) keeps the original notion of 'separation of church & state'.
I have a dream too, that I'm finally considered equal to everyone else in America. I dream that all the haters in America choke to death on their vile words of "special rights", "abomination before God", "gays, pedophiles & alcoholics" & so on. Die you bastards, and not a quick and easy death either. Your suffering should reflect the suffering you've imposed on others. I have a dream you die, I dream your damn 'rapture' comes and takes you from us. Oh what a blessing from God that would be. I'll be left behind with all the "bad" people, for I have no use for you hypocrites and liars who think you're going straight to heaven.
So I have a dream too, and until it's fulfilled America isn't the home of the free & the brave, it's home to everything that's wrong in this world. And I ain't moving to another country, for I love my home. Did you hear that? This homo ain't going anywhere except up! With or without the country's blessings. Obviously our Country is broken and no one, but no one, want's to fix it correctly the first time. Which means, it will still need fixing when the next election time comes around.
I have a dream that I can vote for the best man/woman for the Presidency; but then I wake up and I realize I still have to vote for the lesser of two evils.

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Christmas Wrap Up

OK my friends, I'm sorry I was away so long. I was burning the candle at both ends for a while as well as traveling. I'll try to keep this short, but I can only try.
Let's start at the Holiday beginning:
Mr. Adam & I went to my parents home (NH) for Christmas. We arrived on Sunday and stayed until Wednesday. It was great to see my family and all the relatives. My parents as long as I remember have always had a Christmas Eve Open House. This was going to be Mr. Adam's second, his first being a few years ago at my parents'. Christmas Eve was great. After my aunt dying last year, my whole family wanted this Christmas to have everyone together, which is understandable. It really was great to see my immediate and extended family. And I love that they get along with Mr. Adam. My nieces and nephews are growing up so fast. I'm sad that I live so far away, but when I do get to see them (even for a short time) it makes me happy. Gifts, gifts, gifts - I won't go into what was given/gotten as I don't like that Christmas has become all about this phenomenon. But what I will mention is that my parents gave Mr. Adam & I an iRobot Roomba. I love it. Actually my whole family has one and they all adore theirs so I got one. yeah!
So Mr. Adam & I come home from the holidays and Mr. (who has more vacation time than anyone I know) didn't have to return to work until after New Year's Day. I, however went right back on December 27, 2007. But my trade off was that I would be taking the following Thursday (January 3, 2008) and Friday (January 4, 2008) off. My friend Jason was coming to visit from Seattle, WA. He arrived Saturday and that same night we took him to a great Holiday Party at our friend Kenn home here in NYC. I would like to say that I partied all night, but the truth is I fell asleep during the party. Yes, momma cannot hold his liquor. It's true, two drinks and Ryan Charisma is falling asleep. I don't even get rip roaring drunk. I just slowly make my way to a corner and begin to nod off. It's quite embarrassing, but I get up so early to make it into the gym and I won't give that up (although I'd like to).

So New Year's Eve comes and Mr. Adam & I join our friend Evan & Jeffrey for a small party at their UES apartment. I always appreciate a New Year's Eve as far away from the idiots in Times Square as possible. Jeffrey prepared a lovely dinner and we toasted in the New Year. Oh by the way, I also fell asleep again. This time, I was so inebriated I had to lay down the minute we finished dinner. I just don't hold booze well kids. I just don't. And if you're wondering, I had one & a half cosmos. That's all it takes. See all this prettiness comes at a cost. And my price is being a light weight drinker.

Finally I had a few days off that I wasn't travelling and my friend Jason & I went shopping at MOODE fabrics as he's a clothing designer. Or rather, in school studying design. Now you're thinking, "Ryan Charisma isn't MOODE the place the contestants on Project Runway shop at?" Well yes, yes it is. And let me tell you, floors & floors of fabric as far as the eye can see. I got bored. I can do this trip once perhaps twice a year, but not much more. It was so great to see Jason and spend some time with him. He looks great and has really found a spark to focus on and that interests him. I'm glad I know a clothing designer. It may come in handy someday.

Sadly, I sent my friend Jason back off to Seattle, and I had to return to the working world.

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No Country For Old Men

OK, another movie. I really enjoyed this movie. I don't want to give too much away, but Josh Brolin was outstanding in this movie. I would venture to say that the lesson of this movie is: "drugs are bad."
Mr. Adam, Sam, Michael, Jason & I went to see this movie because of all the hub bub surrounding it. It certainly lived up to it's reputation. I found the movie engrossing, disturbing and action packed. I will, however, go out on a limb and say that I didn't like the ending so much. Not because it doesn't give you a hurray, Hollywood ending. I don't like those endings either; but the movie basically just stops. The end. A let down, a-la the Series Finale of The Soprano's. And we all know that blew. Anyway, walk don't run to see this movie, it will win awards and you'll be glad you spent the $13 (yes, that is the cost of a movie in NYC now).


I Am Legend

Hey all, I'm back! Two weeks ago Mr. Adam, Michael S., Michael A & myself went to check out this movie. As most of you pretty things know, this is a remake of The Omega Man. And follows it pretty accurately. I have to be honest and say, that as a kid, this movie was pretty scary to me. It was one of my favorite movies (of that genre) for that time. It really was one of my first sci-fi, action, horror flicks. Now it has been remade. First off, Will Smith is not my favorite actor. He's good in the role, but I liked his companion dog. Dogs rule. Anyway, Mr. Smith's character invents this biological weapon, that breaks lose, and most of mankind turns into the zombie like monsters and eats the remaining mankind. Leaving us to believe that Will's character is the only man left alive in the world. Well, that is until a woman and child show up. So much for the last man alive thing. Now I have a question for ANYONE who saw this movie: If they blew up all the bridges and tunnels leading into/out of NYC. How did the woman and child drive into NYC to find Will? How? Anyway, it's a decent film but will be just as good on DVD.
